Spare list has been updated More News

The spare list has been updated from the information that we have on the website.

These are people who have paid their insurance and completed all their paperwork.

Spares are reminded that they have to pay 20.00 per day played.  If you come out to spare and you decide to play more than one game, great but you must pay the 20.00 for the first game played.

Thank You!




Larry MacKinnon                     250-417-7066

Dan Rourke                             250-919-2695

Terry Dupley                           250-919-3493

Wade Somerset                      250-417-1818              250-427-4895 





Stacey English                         250-489-8882

Mitch Zuvela                           250-421-4087

Bruce Bermel                          250-489-3289

Dave Roberts                           250-427-0709

Marquis Christian                   250-581-1523

Posted by Jonathan Butt, Created Sun Oct 19, 2014, Updated Thu Dec 7, 2017