League/Division News

Getting near the end More News

Good afternoon everyone!

I regret to inform you all that there will not be a year end tournament this season due to the loss of available ice times in town this year. I was trying to look at other avenues to host a tournament but was shut down by other facilities not having the available ice. That being said the final week for hockey this year will be March 24 2024, I will try to arrange a similar kind of get together like we had at Christmas for a final fair well for the season unless someone has any other ideas. 

As we look to next year there are a few board positions that will be coming available, one being President and the other Vice President as our terms have concluded. Please keep this in mind moving to the new season and if you're interested in taking on one of these roles please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. 

See you all out on the ice over the final weeks and looking forward to the Annual Charity Golf Tournament in May, Stay tuned for details to come in the next few weeks.

Thanks for your co-operation and understanding through yet another interesting but still successful season in the Kootenays!


Posted by Jason Taylor, Created Thu Feb 15, 2024

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