
Welcome to Key City Oldtimers
News: 2023/2024 AGM & Charity Golf Tournament May 25 2024!
Posted by Jason Taylor, Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2024

Good Morning all

The 2023/2024 AGM Meeting will be held on May 25 2024 at the Cranbrook golf course in the rear room starting at 10:30 AM and will proceed until 12:00 PM. There will be a few topics of discussion as well as a couple votes for 2 new candidates to fill the positions of President and Vice President. If you are interested in filling one of these positions please reach out to me before the meeting. It would be nice to see you out there if you have any suggestions or concerns for the league moving forward. Just a reminder that we DO serve beer at our meetings!

The Golf tournament will commence after the AGM Meeting with registration from 12:00- 12-45 PM and Tee off around 1:00 PM. Registration fees for this years tournament are $40 for league members and $60 for non league members which includes golf and of course a delicious meal. Please email  KCOHL@outlook.com to get yourself or your team on the list for the golf tournament as spaces are limited, cutoff for entries will be May 18 2024 so that we can arrange numbers for dinner. There will be a putting contest on the putting green between holes 9 and 10 along with a couple other holes with chances to win prizes including registration for next years hockey season on hole 17. I ask that each team try to arrange for some donations to assist in raising funds as this is of course a charity event and all proceeds from this tournament stay within the community and get distributed as voted on at the AGM meeting. If you have a donation please contact me so with what you will have or arrange a drop off so we can determine how we are going to run the raffle this year!

Thanks again this year to Aaron Shuttleworth and Pukka hats as we will have all new custom design  KCOHL hats for sale at a cost of $40 each again with the proceeds going towards local charities. There are a limited amount of hats available so don't miss out on this opportunity to have a custom one off hat in town!  

Hope to see most of you out there and can't wait to get out an enjoy the nice weather we are all hoping for. Should you have any questions please reach out to me

Thanks, JT


News: Getting near the end
Posted by Jason Taylor, Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024

Good afternoon everyone!

I regret to inform you all that there will not be a year end tournament this season due to the loss of available ice times in town this year. I was trying to look at other avenues to host a tournament but was shut down by other facilities not having the available ice. That being said the final week for hockey this year will be March 24 2024, I will try to arrange a similar kind of get together like we had at Christmas for a final fair well for the season unless someone has any other ideas. 

As we look to next year there are a few board positions that will be coming available, one being President and the other Vice President as our terms have concluded. Please keep this in mind moving to the new season and if you're interested in taking on one of these roles please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. 

See you all out on the ice over the final weeks and looking forward to the Annual Charity Golf Tournament in May, Stay tuned for details to come in the next few weeks.

Thanks for your co-operation and understanding through yet another interesting but still successful season in the Kootenays!


News: Food Bank Donation
Posted by Jason Taylor, Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023

Good Morning everyone;

I just wanted to touch base and thank everyone once again for their generosity this year for our annual Food Drive, This year we donated 300 pounds of food as well with the Sale of 19 hats we donated $380 plus the additional $620 that you all graciously donated which gave us a total of $1000 donated! This was great to see and instills the slogan "We're not here for the hockey"! I hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas and see you all in the new year!

Jason Taylor


KCOHL 2022-2023 Champions
Congratulations to the team from A&W on a successful championship weekend! Thanks to a great weekend and see you at the golf tournament in May!
Added Mon Mar 13, 2023
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